Challenging the unsustainable today
In the setting of the Tuscan hills, sustainability is our responsibility. To work better and to leave a cleaner future for the next generation.
Social responsibility and ethics
With a view to strengthening the core values of justice, honesty, concern for people, lawfulness in work and business on which Chimera Gold has always based its business, management has adopted the ethical principles contained in SA 8000. In full compliance with international labor conventions and the principles contained in the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
Integrated policy
You can view and download our Integrated Policy On quality, ethics, environment and safety
here; Our Company policy here ; our Social Budget 2023 here; our Procedures on suggestion management and complaints
here; our Procedures on juvenile recovery workers here; and the Complaint reporting form here; our RJC Reporting template here. Ask further details on our certificate:
ISO 9001:2015
SA 8000:2014
RJC Coc e Cop
Welfare policy
The company implements a corporate welfare policy, involving workers in listening to needs and implementing welfare-related initiatives.
In particular, hourly flexibility policies are implemented for workers with dependent children, afternoon returns are provided to facilitate family integration of employees. The company is based on the direct relationship with workers: caring for the relationship with people is a primary interest of the company and managers.
Via la chianicella 7 - Arezzo, EN
+39 0575 321082